Some people like to plant their gardens in the spring
And marvel at the produce that very soon they'll bring
The flowers that they love to grow entice their hearts to sing
Blessing them with happiness and little sprites to bring
That's all very beautiful and I find my joy there too
But here's a crones real motive...I'll share it here with you
When I find myself upset, alone or feeling blue
I go out to the garden, so green and lovely too
I pull the weeds and pull again and then I pull some more
I work away those worries and those feelings I abhor
So when I see you coming and put a smile upon my face
You'll look around and rarely find a weed upon my place
And you will know the secret that this old crone has shared
And remember it as you grow old
and from your worries you'll be spared
© 6/12/01 By Susan L. Anderson